FEMA Assistance For Water Issues

FEMA Assistance Available for Water Issues Caused by Winter Storm Uri Water system maintenance should be a concern 24/7/365, but there are a few periods throughout the year when providers can, somewhat, coast on auto-pilot. Ordinarily, that time is now. But these are...

Close The Leak Gap With The End User!

Now is the time . . . For water distribution system managers to close the continuing gap between the total volume of water produced and the total volume of water delivered to end users. This gap, no matter what you chose to call it, contributes to increased water...

SAMCO’s Leak Detection Survey

During leak detection surveys that are performed by SAMCO, trained, licensed water conservation technicians are able to identify water loss issues throughout water distribution systems. Just like in the video, SAMCO was able to identify this leak coming from a 6”...